Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Unwatchable. Can't even tell if the actors were good the film's so horrid (except Richard Roxburgh, nothing makes this guy look bad).

Note: I can't fucking stand 3D, it's such an annoyance. I want to watch a movie, not go on a fucking ride, there's amusement parks for that. I want to be engaged in the story not flying fucking thingies. So, because of this, I had to seek out a theatre to see this in 2D. Now, I don't know the technical area of this but this movie looked so badly dubbed. Like a bad straight to video 90's film. It even looked like that picture wise as well. That was half (or more) of the film's problem. So, I heard that that might have been because it was only supposed to be in 3D, in which case, the film might not be as bad as I thought (something to do with the sound coming out of the speakers differently, etc). But the way I viewed it, terrible. And I've seen plenty of 3D movies in 2D and never saw this problem before, so I do think it was the film. If it was the fault of the theatre (Pacific Northridge), well, sorry Sanctum.

Score (based on how I viewed it)
3 out of 10

Ideas We Wish We'd Thought of First Light Dims

Maybe you'll have better luck with a 3D Blu-ray version of it

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